Monday, April 23, 2012

Pitbull Breed Info

Pitbull Breed Info

Want a Pitbull Puppy? Here's Some Things you Should Know…

Author: Richard Livitski

Over the past few years, the Pit Bull has taken a lot of heat from the media about being a dog breed that's more bite than bark. The misconception that this breeds a man eater is reinforced by it's amazing, muscular build.

Unfortunately, over breeding, abusive owners, and the fighting circles have caused this pooch to be maligned unfairly. Sure, it's a naturally strong willed breed, but with the right training and owner, they can be a loyal, loving friend.

Here's more about this dog to help you understand this misunderstood breed…

History: Most sources trace the Pit Bull, or American Pit Bull Terrier back to England, but the exact date of their origination is constantly a source of controversy. Most Pit Bull experts agree they were bred between the late 18th and early 19th centuries and are most likely a mixture of a Bulldog and Mastiffs, although some sources suggest other breeds were part of their crossbreeding. All sources agree that the breed was used for bull baiting and fighting. This has a great deal to do with the tendency to label them as aggressive dogs, because they were bred for aggression from the beginning.

The breed became known as a fighting and bull baiting dog in England and Ireland during the late 19th and early 20th century. Around the mid-1900s they were introduced to the United States as herding and cattle catching dogs instead of fighting and performance dogs. Around this time, their appearance changed slightly, becoming larger and longer in the legs than their Irish and English ancestors. The American version weighed an average of 50-55 pounds, whereas the English version only weighed 25-30 pounds. The American Pitbull Terrier became recognized by the American Kennel Club in 1936, although they eventually diverged into the American Staffordshire Terrier. The UKC still refers to this breed as the American Pitbull Terrier, but all other Kennel Clubs now refer to them as the Staffordshire Terrier. Until the 1980s, the Pit Bull was barely recognizable by most of the public and only became popular in the last twenty years.

Description: It is often difficult to correctly pick out Pitbull dogs, as their weight range fluctuates from 35-75 pounds. Some are even known for being smaller or larger than this weight range. Almost all are similar in height, though, standing fairly low to the ground at between 18-22 inches tall. This gives them an extremely stocky, muscular, and compact appearance. This particular breed has also has a powerful stance, a broad chest and muscular legs.

Pit Bulls are known for having very strong, wide heads, perky ears, and incredibly powerful looking jaw. Although it used to be common to dock the tail of a Pit Bull puppy, they are now often left with long, straight tails. Most dogs will have a good portion of white coloring on their bodies, but will never be completely white. They may also have mixture of brown or black or even be completely brindle as well.

Breed Temperament: Remember when it comes to Pit Bull dogs, it is all in how they are raised and handled. Over breeding and fighting circles have caused Pit Bulls to have a bad reputation in recent years. For those who are willing to overlook the media hype on the danger of this breed, these animals can and do make excellent pets, because they are fiercely loyal, loving and obedient once properly trained. Add this with their strong appearance and they will make an excellent watch dog and guard dog for your family as well.

Because of their strong personalities, need for exercise and aggressive tendencies, this breed is not meant for a first time dog owner. They will do best with an owner that has experience handling dogs. Once properly trained, many actually have the temperament of teddy bears who love lounging around with the family.

Life Span: 12-14 years

Common Ailments: This breed is known for being hardy, but may be prone to hip dysplasia, skin allergies and cataracts.

Suitability with Children: Yes, but will need firm handling as a puppy

Suitability with Other Pets: No, have a tendency towards aggression with other animals

Living Conditions: Will do best in a home with a large yard and regular, daily exercise

Trainability: Need a firm handler because of their tendency towards a dominant personality, as well as their innate, aggressive instincts.

Exercise Requirements: High

Maintenance Costs: Low

As you can see, the Pit Bull isn't anything to be afraid of. With proper training and a lot of loving care, this breed can make for an excellent family pet.

When Richard Livitski isn't busy digging up Pit Bull information, he's working on his dog names website where dog names and puppy names in all shapes and sizes can be found.

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About the Author

When Richard Livitski isn't busy digging up Pit Bull information, he's working on his dog names website where dog names and puppy names in all shapes and sizes can be found.

The Truth About Pitbulls

Author: Amber Constantine

Pit Bulls have gotten an extremely bad rap over the years as dangerous, unpredictable animals that should never be around children. The truth is that Pitbulls themselves are not the problem, but rather their owners are to blame.

Pitbulls are actually a very trainable breed of dog. This is often the reason for the problems owners cause. Unscrupulous owners train the dogs to be aggressive and very territorial. The dog is only doing exactly what it has been taught to do when it attacks and cannot be blamed.

Ethical owners can take advantage of a Pitbull's willingness to learn and to please the owner and achieve very good results. With the proper training, pit bulls are no more aggressive than another dog. Obviously a pit bull remains more dangerous than a Chihuahua simply due to its great strength, but need not be an unpredictable beast

Most owners will have no problem training their pit bull if they are aware of basic dog training techniques. For those people who lack time or knowledge, a professional trainer might be the better option. Regardless of which way you go, there are a few steps to keep in mind when training your Pit

Dogs live in the present. They have a difficult time relating something they did in the past to a punishment you're giving them hours or even minutes later. For instance, if you find the dog has used the bathroom on the floor an hour after it happened, it will do little good to punish him. You must catch him in the act for the punishment to be effective. You can even ruin good behavior if you begin to punish the dog while it is behaving well.

Dogs don't understand exceptions to the norm very well. For that reason, you must remain consistent in your demands. A dog will never understand why you let it do something one day and the next day he gets punished for the same behavior. For example, it makes little sense to punish a dog for sleeping on the couch when you're not home if you let him sleep by your side while you watch television.

Just as you must punish dogs for bad behavior, it's even more important to reward them for good behavior and rewards are much more effective. Dog treats, used carefully, will be your best training tool, but use them carefully to keep them special.

Only punish your dog for bad behavior and never for not doing what you want in training. Punishing a dog because it doesn't know what you want him to do will slow the entire learning process. Instead of learning, the dog will constantly fear being punished and will not be focused or eager to try new things. Also, shouting develops bad habits. You do not want to have to yell to get your dog to obey.

A little patience and a lot of love will lead to a well behaved Pitbull. Responsible owners who teach their dogs the right way to act are the only thing that can help erase the negative image many people have of the breed.

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About the Author

Amber Contant is a featured adviser and author discussing the issues that all pet owning families will experience. Amber works with Pet-Super-Store. Visit her site for a great selection of pet doors.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

How to take care of your dog

How to take care of your dog

How To Take Care Of A Dog: 21 Key Factors You Should Know

Author: Michael Jones

It is crucial to learn how to take care of a dog well before taking ownership. A dog requires a serious investment of the following resources:

1. Time

2. Energy

3. Finances

By the time you finish reading this article, the first level of your education on how to take care of a dog will be complete.

Below you will find 21 key factors involved. 11 are under Basic Needs, 5 under Equipment, and 5 under Treatment.

Section 1: Learn how to take care of a dog by being aware of their BASIC NEEDS

Dogs need:

1. Toilet and obedience training. A lack of training in these two areas can result in frustration and inconvenience for the owner to say the least, and at worst the dog could become a danger to their owners, the public, and to themselves.

2. To be with other dogs or people. Leaving them alone for long periods can have a serious effect on their health and well being. Even being left alone for 4 or more hours a day can contribute to destructive behavior.

3. To be brushed every day. This is especially important if their coat has long hair.

4. To have their teeth brushed and cleaned regularly.

5. Regular walks. How far and how often will depend on the size and nature of the dog.

6. A well thought out, balanced diet. You may need to get advice from your vet. A good range of high protein, fat, and carbohydrates is needed to ensure the dog remains healthy. Often the prepared foods available in pet shops or supermarkets contain the needed balance.

7. Plenty of water: A bowl of fresh, clean water should always be available.

8. Space: a fenced in area for play and exercise. The area will need to be kept clean of dog waste to avoid a health hazard.

9. A dry, warm place to sleep out of a draught. The bedding should be aired each day and preferably washed or replaced weekly.

10. Arrangements to be cared for when the owner take a vacation.

11. A vet so you can quickly take them in case of sickness or emergency. Think out carefully your choice of a vet. What equipment and facilities does the surgery offer? What costs are involved? Does the vet communicate well with you so you feel relaxed asking questions?

Section 2: Learn how to take care of a dog by obtaining the EQUIPMENT they need

Dogs need:

1. A lead for walking in urban areas.

2. A collar and/with an identity label or tag.

3. A bed and a dog blanket.

4. A scoop to collect dog waste for disposal.

5. A good quality dog brush.

Section 3: Learn how to take care of a dog by arranging for the TREATMENT they need

Dogs need:

1. Regular checks and treatment for worms and fleas.

2. Injections to protect against serious diseases: check with your vet.

3. Regular teeth checkups by the vet.

4. Optional: Neutering.

5. Optional: Microchip implanting.

Regarding the last two optional procedures, keep these points in mind:

Apart from avoiding unwanted pregnancy, some authorities say neutering can make a dog a better pet. For example, neutered dogs tend to be less dominant, and have a lesser tendency to roam and mark territory.

Dog microchipping will allow you to easily locate your dog in the event it gets lost or stolen. Regretfully many dogs end up with new owners, or are taken to dog shelters, because their owners can't find them. The microchip can forestall that heartbreaking scenario.

The microchip is no larger than a grain of rice. The procedure is no more painful than a vaccination as the tiny chip is implanted under the loose skin over the dog's shoulder.

The guidelines above emphasize the need to carefully think out dog ownership. However, this is just the first part of the education.

To have an in-depth understanding of how to take care of a dog, you are well advised to have a good talk with a local veterinary surgeon who can answer specific questions relating to the type of dog that is best suited for your circumstances.

Once you have decided on a particular breed, seek out other owners of that breed and learn more about the characteristics of the dog and considerations you will have to keep in mind. You will get a very accurate perspective by talking to other dog owners.

Learn how to take care of a dog well before ownership and you will be rewarded with an intelligent, loyal friend who will give you unlimited fun and enjoyment!

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Stop Dog Growling

Stop dog growling

5 Tips To Stop Dog Growling

Author: Jacqueline Harris

To make the task of stopping a dog from growling easier, we ought to understand why the dog growls in the first place. Growling is considered to be an assertive behavior which is triggered by any unfamiliar event, person or even another animal. Thus a dog would growl when an unknown or sometimes known entity comes his way. This is his way of saying that he wants to be left alone or he does not approve what he expects would follow.

In other words, he feels threatened. As soon as the approaching person or animal moves away, this would be interpreted as showing respect to the dog and soon the animal should stop growling. Anyone who has a pet dog at home should understand many such myriad ways in which canines communicate so that there could be safe co-existence between the dog and the rest of the family.

This is especially important when the household has children, who are known to be particularly affectionate towards any pet. What happens when someone ignores the growling and continues to approach the dog casually? The dog treats the situation as threatening and expects adverse events to follow. Therefore he may start barking, or even snap and bite the approaching individual or animal as the case may be. Having briefed you so far on the reason why a dog growls, let me provide you with 5 sure-shot tips to stop the dog from growling:

1. It is recommended that you should never punish a dog for growling. Your punishment or reprimand may stop the dog from growling temporarily, but he would develop a latent behavior where he bites or snaps at people, without any warning in future. So the best solution under such circumstances is to respect the animal and let him be. He would stop growling as soon as he realizes that there is nothing disturbing his peace any more.

2. Explain to your children why a dog growls and if the dog starts growling suddenly, they should immediate stop doing whatever they were doing as it is obvious that the dog is getting irritated with their activity. Ask them to simply move away gradually from the dog's vicinity. Tell them to never run away from the growling dog as it irritates him further. Such incidents must always be
reported to the parents, as then you could focus more on this area while training.

3. It must be understood that dogs growl when intimidated by some one. Sometimes sheer size is perceived as a threat and the dog starts growling. So when a huge man approaches a dog, however kind his intention may be, the dog thinks him to be a threat. In such cases the man should squat and bring himself at the same level as the dog. Then approach him gently with extended hand - palm facing up. Then talk to the dog in a calm and gentle voice.

4. If you find that the dog is growling for no apparent reason and is snapping at every thing, it might be right for you to get a medical check up done for the dog. Your vet could do some tests to check hormonal balance, neurophysiologic functions and allergies, if any. You never know, there could be underlying causes for his growling, which when corrected could stop him from growling.

5. There are some dogs which growl when he is eating and someone gets close. The reason for this is that he is simply possessive about his food and scared that this person might take his food away. To correct this behavior, choose an adult who the dog loves most. Let this adult start feeding the dog and stay close to him while he is eating.

To start with, simply stay with the dog and talk to him with a reassuring and calm voice. Once the dog is used to this, then let the adult approach the dog while he is eating, go on reassuring him with his gentle voice.

Once the dog is used to this habit also let the adult touch the dog with slow and gentle movements while he is eating. Though this procedure to stop him from growling could take a long time, but this happens to be one of the sure-shot ways to reassure a dog and take away the threat element, which makes him growl in the first place.

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Do you want to cure your dog's behavior problems? Visit, the number one resource for dog owners who want to help improve their dog's behavior with humane and positive treatment methods that work. Visit today and help your canine companion

How much is vet visit

How much is vet visit?

The Importance of Annual Veterinary Check-Ups

Author: Christa OConner

Most individuals who own pets consider them part of their family, and may even refer to them as their "children". There's nothing more important than the maintenance and upkeep of your pet's health and should be a main concern for any responsible pet owner. Besides simply providing the proper food and nutrition, a pet owner must remember to take their pets into a veterinary clinic for their annual checkup.

So why are annual exams so important for pets? Here are some reasons;

Early Detection: Even if a pet appears to be healthy, an annual visit to the veterinary clinic can help detect potential health problems and diseases which can lead to early treatment, prevention, or avoidance of diseases all together. Many pet owners may feel that they do not need to take their pets to the vet if they appear healthy, but the problem is that many diseases are not evident in the early stages (such as heart disease and high blood pressure) and the longer you wait, the worse it will get.

Nutritional Counseling: One of the most important things to the health of your pet is proper nutrition. Proper nutrition will not only optimize your furry or feathered loved one's health, but it's extremely important in the management of health problems and the prevention of diseases. If a pet is over fed or considered obese, a veterinarian will counsel the pet owner on how to properly feed their pet and possibly consider a weight loss program.

Training & Obedience: At the annual checkup a pet owner can find answers for questions regarding their pet's behavior and training issues. Making sure that your pet is well-trained and obedient will not only keep them safe and healthy, but it will make everyone happy all around.

Parasites: Parasites, whether they have taken residence on the inside or outside of your pet can cause serious health issues and even death so early detection, treatment, and prevention is absolutely necessary. Some parasites will cause weight issues, and others will cause heart and lung issues so catching this issue before it causes more problems is essential.

As you can see, having your beloved pet checked on a yearly basis can ensure that they will be around to keep you company for many years to come. Pets cannot explain when and if something is wrong, the only way to tell is to make sure they get annual exams to determine their health status. Every responsible pet owner can appreciate the health of their furry or feathered friends.

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Thomas Vet is a veterinary clinic that specializes in animal and pet care. Keep your furry or feathered friends happy and healthy and don't forget their yearly vet exam!

Ways To Make Vet Visits Affordable

Author: Larry Volwiler

Cutting down on your pet's health expenses without compromising its health is possible, veterinarians say. Pet owners can forgo some procedures and even discard inoculations from their pet's protocol without risking their animal's lives. But the process of choosing which ones to keep, and which ones to drop, depends a lot on the pet's habits. Here are some factors to consider in seeking more affordable care options.

Pet Care by the Numbers

American pet owners spent an estimated $12.2 billion on veterinary bills in 2009, according to the American Pet Products Association. Nevertheless, some veterinarians have seen a severe downturn in income from non-medical procedures and services, such as boarding. To cut expenses, many are cutting their employees' hours. But, unfortunately, most are not cutting their fees.

Tips for Lowering Costs

Cost cutting can begin with evaluating your pet's annual inoculations. Not all inoculations need to be administered yearly, as many vaccines stay in the bloodstream longer than was previously thought.

"People who have been getting vaccines for their pets every year, probably could slide on some of them," says Dr. Bernadine Cruz, a veterinarian at the Laguna Hills Animal Hospital in Laguna Hills, CA.

If there is any doubt how much of last year's inoculation is still potent in the pet's bloodstream, the vet can conduct what's called a titer. Talk to your vet about whether the fee for a specific titer is less than the potential savings from skipping the inoculation.

In evaluating which vaccines to drop and which to keep, a pet's location and lifestyle are also important factors to consider.

"An out-and-about pet needs more vaccines more than a couch-potato kitty or dog who takes it easy," Dr. Cruz said. An indoor cat may simply not require a leukemia vaccine booster. A pooch romping through a deer-tick ridden field in Connecticut needs a vaccine for Lyme Disease; but a city dog strolling a Southern California sidewalk may not.

The American Association of Feline Practitioners issues protocols of what vaccines are needed at each life stage. Though the AAFP "highly recommends" the FeLV vaccination for all kittens, booster inoculation is recommended only in cats considered to be at risk of exposure.

There are just some procedures pet owners can't stint on, however.

"Hard times are not an excuse to skip your pet's annual shots," said Dr. Stephen Zawistowski, ASPCA's Executive Vice President, National Programs and Science Advisor, "but it does make sense to talk to your vet about personalizing your pet's vaccine protocol. Some vaccines are optional, while others are essential in preventing serious diseases."

But skipping on the pet's annual exam altogether is not an option. "It's much more expensive—and risky—to treat illnesses than to protect against them," Zawistowski said.

Evaluating Other Types of Pet Care

Owners can also cut economic corners in other modes of preventative care, such as for periodontal disease. Dental care—vital for keeping bacteria in the gums from leaching into the bloodstream and ultimately into an animal's kidneys, liver, or joints—does not have to be conducted under anesthesia in every case, not even for cats.

Although not all veterinarians conduct dental work on conscious animals, the difference in price could well be worth seeking out a veterinarian with that expertise. Gas anesthesia can cost from $94 to $112 for a 60-pound dog, plus $27 for anesthesia monitoring, according to a 2009 study by EC Veterinary Economics & Wutchiett Tumblin and Associates. Though tooth cleaning can be less effective when not done under anesthesia, this option is preferable to not cleaning the teeth at all.

As with all types of care, because every individual pet is different, be sure to talk your veterinarian about the best protocol that will work for your pet. Courtesy of, a leading online retailer of Pet Doors and Dog Training Collars.

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About the Author is a leading online retailer of Pet Supplies including Bark Collars and Invisible Dog Fences.

Food for a sick dog

Food for a sick dog
What to feed a sick dog

Getting the Right Dog Food for your Sickly Pet

Author: Lindsey Watson

Feeding sick pets can be quite a challenge especially when you do not know the right type of dog food to get. This is because most people are normally scared that they might give the pet something that will worsen their condition. There is however no need to worry; with this guide you will be equipped with the knowledge tips about dog food and the required diet needed to nurse your dog back to health.

It is important to find out exactly what your dog is suffering from before placing it on any diet. This way, you can be able to tell what it needs to bounce back to health and could possibly aggravate its condition. Visit a vet to get professional advice about your pet's condition and what dietary needs it has. It doesn't hurt to turn to the internet when it comes to gathering information about the right type of foods needed to nurse your pet back to health. Remember that sick pets often suffer from reduced appetite and may find most foods bland. Make sure that you look out for nutritious meals which are also enticing enough to allow your pet to eat.

It is a known fact that prevention is better than cure, and it is therefore important to sure that the dog food chosen for your pet is highly nutritious to boost its immune system and offer it protection from other illnesses. You may also want to consider specialist hypoallergenic dog food. However, if it your pet is gravely ill a lot of care, attention and affection should be accorded to your pet to help it bounce back to health faster. The meals fed to your pet should also be well cooked to avoid feeding your pet contaminated food.

The basic dog food diet should include proteins, carbohydrates and fats. It is best to go for low fat and lean protein choices such as hamburger meat. Chopped lean meat and skinless chicken are also good protein choices. Potatoes and rice are good carbohydrate choices for dog food meant for sickly pets. The rule of thumb is to always mix one part of protein with about four parts of carbohydrate food sources. Too much meat in the diet could lead to diarrhea.

Always monitor your pet closely when you change its diet, because the changed diet could aggravate its condition. If there are foods that your dog does not like, come up with creative get it to eat so that it can get the nutrition it needs to bounce back to health. If the vet allows it, medicine can be mixed with dog food so that the pet can consume it without a lot of difficulties.

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Author Lindsey Watson is a Marketing Executive at a leading UK Digital Agency. Visit today.

Some Dog Health Problems are Easy to Resolve

Author: Madeleine Innocent

Puppies are generally a delight to have around. As long as you can cope with the chewing up of garments and expensive items, the huge energy and the occasional soiling as they become potty trained.

But that's a small price to pay for the enthusiasm for life they have, for the fun that infectiously oozes from them.

You love him. He loves you. All is well with the world.

Until he falls sick.

Then your world crashes.

The first thing that springs to mind is what caused it? Was it something you did or didn't do? Is it your fault? Were you too vigilant or not vigilant enough? Did you overprotect him or did you let him roam free too much?

Well, chances are that it was your fault.

But only by virtue of the fact you were doing as you were told, probably because you thought someone else knew better than you. Perhaps if you had listened to that little inner voice you sometimes hear, but mostly ignore, which told you different, things may not be this bad.

It's never too late to learn.

And animals have an amazing way of ensuring you do indeed learn, mostly from your mistakes.

So now your puppy has grown up and has a few dog health problems.

The first possible cause to consider it what he is doing every day.


What are you feeding him?

Commercial dog food, as most holistic veterinarians have found, is the route cause of many, if not most, dog health problems.

Depending on the country, brand and era or manufacture, most commercial dog food looks something like this:

  • low grade meat by-products, often from a rendering plant
  • cheap, health lacking filler such as paper, sawdust, sugar, nut shells, melamine
  • indigestible isolated and synthetic nutrients
  • toxic preservatives not permitted in human food

Sounds pretty unhealthy doesn't it? Even one of those ingredients may be contributing to your dog health problem, but what if he was eating all four?

Although there are as many causes for dog health problems as there are dogs, by far the most common is the food you are feeding him.

By virtue of its daily consumption, healthy dog food, similar to the food his wild cousins eat, will go a long way to making his immune system strong, strong enough to fend off most dog health problems for years.

If you're worried about the expense, don't be. Feeding real food to your dog is as cheap as feeding commercial dog food. It may take a little more time, especially in the early stages as you are finding your feet, but just consider the fortune you save on veterinarian bills! They don't come cheap by any means.

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Written by Madeleine Innocent.
Do you want to learn more about natural health, in particular homeopathy? Check out my free ebook ‘Better Health for Dogs’, by clicking on the website link below.
Naturally Healthy Dogs

Stages of Dog Pregnancy

Stages of Dog Pregnancy

Dog Pregnancy - Signs and Care

Author: Wishbone

Being puppy is the cutest stage of a dog, it's so lovely to see how this little innocent angel moving around, learn to play, eat so well, run around and perform his agilities, and become little cute monster that messes things around. Then we will think about health, petsafe and future. There are still terrible canine over-population problems so it is better to be part of solution rather than to be part of the problem. Responsible owners who want to breed their dogs must pass all required registrations, accreditations, health screening, etc.

A female dog, correctly referred to as a bitch, can only become pregnant if she is bred during her heat cycle. The pregnancy generally lasts about two months or 56 to 69 days from the date of the first breeding, although this period may be slightly shorter or longer. Small breeds may deliver a week earlier while large breeds often deliver later. Over ninety-eight percent of all dogs deliver their puppies without assistance or complications.

For the first three weeks or so of pregnancy, you may not notice any changes in the bitch. Some females will become more demanding for attention, their nipples may enlarge slightly, and some may become hungrier. These are not a guarantee of a pregnancy, but are good signs. Bitches can show the same signs during 'false pregnancy,' a hormonal abnormality, which may occur after a bitch has been in heat. Decreased appetite is usually one of the earliest signs that your bitch might be pregnant. Not all females go through this doggie version of "morning sickness", but a small percentage will eat less during the first few weeks of gestation, usually making up for it later in the pregnancy. Further indication is a sudden decrease in activity, the nipple growth is noticeable, breast material will develop beneath the nipples, which will also increase slightly in preparation for eventual milk production. Behavioral changes such as increase in affectionate behavior or an expressed desire to be left alone. But beware, dont give any vitamin supplements in the first month of her pregnancy, the birth defects will be develop from too much vitamins A, D and calcium, all she need is high quality diet. No vaccinations should take place during pregnancy, they may harm the fetus. Vaccinations are prior to breeding. Always visit the vet to consult for her condition, from approximate 21-25 days, endocrinological tests detects pregnant dog hormone, relaxin. Puppies hearth beat can be detected after 25 days using ECG but its difficult to test their number. X-ray can pick up puppy skeleton from around 49 days and can determine the number of siblings, but X-Ray is not advisable to use because of radiation danger and damage.

In fourth week, the increase in appetite and gaining weight are changes of progress signs of pregnancy, the abdomen will thicken, and gentle examination of the belly will reveal a firm, rather than fat feeling to the area. The bitch should continue to have regular, but not strenuous, exercise to help her maintain her muscle tone and not become overweight. Exercise involves a daily run to make sure all her muscles, including her uterine muscles, are in top condition. She really needs enough sleep on her dog crate, at week 7, its advised to increase her meal about 25% and another 25 % on 8th week. Closer to the delivery date, your bitch will probably start to express her nesting instincts, scratching at the floor or in her bed, and displaying signs of increasing restlessness.

During the first stage of labor the cervix begins to dilate and uterine contractions begin. These contractions are painful and perplexing to the dog. She will appear quite uncomfortable and restless - pacing, shivering and panting. She probably will not eat and she may even vomit. Some dogs whine persistently. Others occupy themselves building a nest. Take her temperature rectally twice a day, the normal dog temperature is about 100.3F - 101.3F. It will normally drop to about 98 degrees Fahrenheit, 8 - 24 hours before the onset of labor and she will refuse to eat or drink anything.

During the second stage of labor uterine contractions begin in force. As this stage progresses the placental water sacks break and a straw-colored fluid is passed. Placentas are expelled after each puppy or sporadically during labor. Pups usually appear every half-hour or so after ten to thirty minutes of forceful straining. As the pups deliver, the mother will lick the puppy clean and bite off the umbilical cord. It is important to let the mother do this, if she will, because through this process she bonds with her puppies and learns to recognize them as her own. The rough licking of the mother stimulates the puppies to breathe and improves their circulation.

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Hannah Serrano Petsafe | Dog Crates @ America Outdoor

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Canine Pregnancy Guide

Author: Rebecca Prescott

In many ways canine pregnancy is not that different from human pregnancy, although it is somewhat shorter, averaging sixty-three days. A dog's diet, as well as their consumption of medicine needs to be monitored during pregnancy, just like a woman's should be, and you may notice changes in your dog's emotions and social behavior. She can even experience morning sickness!

Most dogs will gain 15-25% of their original body weight during pregnancy, although this does depend on the number of puppies they are carrying and some do not put on noticeable weight until the last week before whelping.

Nutritional intake needs to increase during canine pregnancy and lactation; your dog may even double the amount she eats. During lactation she will need a high protein puppy food, and you may want to gradually introduce this during the last two weeks of her pregnancy, or even earlier. If you are concerned about providing the right pregnancy diet to meet your particular dog's needs you should consult your veterinarian.

You should try to avoid nutritional supplements during canine pregnancy, even though these may seem like a good idea. Your dog will naturally produce everything her puppies need to thrive during lactation, and supplements may interfere with this process. This is particularly applicable to calcium supplements. If you use a good quality, high protein dog food, supplements will not be necessary.

A lot of canine medication is safe to use during pregnancy. If you give your dog regular preventative medication for heartworm you should continue this throughout pregnancy and lactation. Some medicines to get rid of other types of parasite, such as hookworms or roundworms, can be used but you should consult your veterinarian before administering these. It is important that your dog does get treatment for these conditions as otherwise she can pass them on to her unborn puppies.

Vaccinations should not be given during canine pregnancy. However, if possible, it is a great idea to have your dog vaccinated just before becoming pregnant as this will ensure she has a high level of antibodies to pass onto her puppies during lactation.

About halfway through her pregnancy you should take your dog to the veterinarian for a wellness check and to confirm the pregnancy. The veterinarian will be able to do this by examining the stomach, but a blood test can be done to provide a conclusive result.

You may want to have a radiograph done three weeks prior to the deliver to count the puppies. Knowing how many puppies to expect will help you to prepare for the delivery. Remember that your dog can become pregnant by more than one male during any one heat stage so you may be surprised at the number of puppies she is going to produce.

During the last three weeks of your dog's pregnancy you may want to isolate her completely from contact with other dogs. This will ensure she does not pick up the herpes virus. While this is usually harmless in adult dogs, it can trigger a miscarriage in your pregnant dog.

You may find she wants to stay close to you during this time anyway. She may dislike being left alone and will probably become more affectionate, if a little irritable. As the delivery date approaches she will start to look for a safe place to give birth, and you should give some thought to where this will be.

As with human pregnancy, it is important to remember that canine pregnancy is a natural process, and your dog has been blessed with the natural ability to carry it through. With a little extra attention to nutrition, and some protection from common diseases, this should be a stress free time for you and your dog.

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If you'd like more information on nutritional deficiency in pregnant and lactating dogs, click here. Rebecca writes on dog health and other four legged issues.

Dog congestive heart failure

Dog congestive heart failure

Canine Congestive Heart Failure

Author: Joann Henry

Congestive Heart Failure (CHF) is a clinical condition which is the final result of severe heart disease. It is usual that when a dog has heart failure, heart disease is also present in the body. However, it is true that in some cases, heart disease can be present, but never lead to congestive heart disease.

When high diastolic pressures in the heart build up into the veins and capillaries, then congestive heart failure can occur, which in turn causes a leakage of fluid out of those vessels.

Heart failure is the end result of many different cardiac and pericardial diseases. These include:

• Decreased myocardial contractibility. This is a weak heart muscle, which is commonly seen with dilated cardiomyopathy.

• Valvular regurgitation. This is a leak in one of the four heart valves, as seen with mitral and tricuspid regurgitation.

• Increased myocardial stiffness, which impairs the heart's ability to fill with blood.

In the beginning, the signs of congestive heart failure can be quite mild and difficult to see. However the symptoms can become more severe in a short space of time. Some of the symptoms to look for are:

• Lack of energy - the dog becomes much less active and tires quickly during the later stages of congestive heart failure;

• Poor appetite;

• Weight loss;

• Heavy breathing - the dog can show signs of difficulty in breathing, panting and coughing whilst resting;

• Coughing;

• Swollen abdomen - the dogs' stomach can enlarge as fluid accumulates in the liver and abdomen; and

• Change of mouth color - the color of the membranes of the mouth can be grayish rather than being a healthy pink color.

The first thing that is needs to be done though, is to manage the clinical signs of congestive heart failure by reducing the formation of edema and effusion and to increase the cardiac output, which is the delivery of blood to the tissues.

There are a wide variety of treatments available for Congestive Heart Failure, depending on the severity of the condition.

One of the most popular drugs used for this disease is Digitalis. This is a medication which belongs to a group called positive inotropic agents which help to increase the concentration of calcium in the heart muscle cells.

Diuretics are also another well known drug used for dogs with this condition. These drugs help to remove built up fluids that occur in the lungs and abdomen.

Monitor your dogs attitude and any changes in appearance when you spend time with your friend. It is essential to keep a diary of anything that varies from "the norm" so that you can show it to your vet. Check your dog on a daily basis for:

- breathing, see if it is heavy or labored;
- loss or reduction of appetite;
- restlessness;
- fainting; and
- profound lethargy.

However, it is important to remember, that canine congestive heart failure is a major disease and it is a necessity to have regular visits to your veterinarian to ensure that your dogs' needs are being met.

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About the Author

Joann Henry operates "Doggie Health Care", a blog all about our pooches health. Sign up to receive her newsletter, & not only will you get some free tips to keep your dog healthier, but FOR A LIMITED TIME, she'll give you a FREE ebook.

An Owner's Guide to Congestive Heart Failure in Dogs

Author: D Swain

Congestive heart failure in dogs is a very serious condition. It is caused by an abnormality in the structure of function of the heart. There are two forms of this disease.


In one form of heart failure, the walls of the chambers in the heart thicken. This leads to reduced pumping efficiency. The other form is characterized by the muscles the form the walls stretching thinner. This causes the heart to enlarge.

When your dog's heart enlarges, the left side starts pumping blood less efficiently. This makes the heart work harder to compensate for the decreased efficiency. Once this compensation is no longer enough, dog congestive heart failure results.


As your dog's heart compensates in the early stages of this disease, he will show no symptoms. This can last for months or even years. As the disease progresses, he will begin to drool excessively and get tired very easily. He may pant and cough a lot after exercise, or even while resting. Two other common symptoms of congestive heart failure in dogs includes gray membranes in the mouth and a blueish tongue.


The main method of diagnosis is an electrocardiogram. This will detect any abnormalities in the heart. Since this condition causes the heart to enlarge, an ultrasound will also be useful. An x-ray of the chest is also commonly done.


If your dog is diagnosed with congestive heart failure, you will have to restrict his exercise and sodium intake. He will also need to take medications to increase calcium in the heart muscles. This will help increase pumping efficiency and reduce the heart rate.

Dogs with this condition will also need diuretics. This is due to the fact that the reduced blood flow may cause buildup of fluids in the lungs and abdomen. ACE inhibitors will also help increase efficiency by tightening the blood vessels.

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About the Author

Congestive heart failure in dogs is a very serious disease. However, there are many more that can affect your dog such as dog valley fever and dog bloat. provides a wealth of information for dog owners about many different diseases. So, stop by today to learn about some of these diseases that can affect your pet.

Some tips and fun facts on the bichon frise dog

Some tips and fun facts on the bichon frise dog

Fun Facts About Bichon Frise

Author: Kevin Gawricki

Fun Facts About Bichon Frise

By Kevin Gawricki

The Bichon Frise was a favorite in Spain. Becoming the favorite of painters. Goya featured the Bichon in a number of paintings.

Was developed in Mediterranean area.

Made its appearance in Canary Islands under Francis I, patron of Renaissance, but greatest success was in Court of Henry III.

Became favorite of Italian nobility in 14th Century.

Descended from Barbet or Water-Spaniel.

Was used as barter item by sailors.

Kevin is owner of Dog Gone Good Stuff which he founded because of the need for a place that caters specifically to dogs and their owners specific needs. Please feel free to visit Dog Gone Good Stuff for all your dogs needs. Web address

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Care and Grooming for Your Bichon Frise

Author: Elvis Foote

Bichon Frise Care and Grooming

Bichon Frise are a very sociable dog from the time that they are puppies on through adulthood. Bichon Frises have an easy, happy disposition. A Bichon Frisé (French, literally meaning Curly lap dog; often spelled Bichon Frise in English) is a small breed of dog.

The Bichon Frise was developed in the Mediterranean area, when a Barbet (a large water spaniel breed) was crossed with small white lapdogs. The Bichon Frise of today has its descent in the Bichon Tenerife breed line, which found its way to the Mediterranean area, onto the Canary Islands or rather, "the Island of Tenerife

. In the 1980s, the Bichon Frise was part of the "Yuppie Puppies" choice of the majority population, and everyone just HAD to have one. Bichon Frises make an excellent addition to the family. Bichon Frise are affectionate, cuddly and just plain happy to see people.

The disposition of the Bichon Frise is sweet, perky, bouncy, active, and very playful with sporadic bursts of energy that leads them into many unknown adventures--usually beyond the fenced in yard or when they get loose from the leash, even though they are considered to be gentle creatures. Bichon Frises can be hard to house train; crate training may be a successful technique. Bichon Frises can conform to apartment life fairly easily. Bichon Frise also are very intelligent and quick learners.

Bichon Frise, as with many sociable breeds, are not suited to being left alone all day. Bichon Frises have a life span of 12-13 years and have litters of 4-5 pups. An independent dog, the Bichon Frise bond well with adults and children and is also very highly intelligent, affectionate, charming, and self-assured. Serious dog lovers who own, or want to own a Bichon Frise would rather invest their valuable Internet time on a website that truly UNDERSTANDS this amazing breed.


Training must be gentle and firm, with no harsh corrections or scolding. Training the Bichon works well with food treats along with the leash and collar. A crate is usually the best method of training. The puppy should come to see his/her crate as his personal space so avoid using it as discipline for bad behavior to maximize house training potential.

Roughhousing is definitely out with this guy, and play training is in. This breed requires gentle and firm training, as they are so gentle and sensitive that any harsh training or negative corrections will have an opposite effect on the puppy or adult dog. But all trainers/owners will eventually need a collar and leash to begin the training-the many types available will depend on the person doing the training, as each one is a matter of personal preference and what the dog needs.

Some of the training collar tools that are acceptable for the Bichon training, as chain or nylon chokers will matt and tangle in their hair, are the buckle collars, leather-training collars, or even the reversed pinch collars. The head collar is becoming very popular as a training tool for most dogs in training classes. Positive reinforcement and gentle training are the choice training of the day, with kindness, persistence, and patience. As far as training is concerned, this breed often proves to be hard to housebreak, but likes to learn. The Bichon does not require aggressive training, and likes challenges. These dogs need training and exercise at the minimum one walk a day.


Grooming requirements are based on coat type and the size of the dog. Grooming is recommended on a daily basis to avoid matting. Professional grooming is recommended every 4 weeks. They are a non-shedding breed that requires daily grooming. They require regular grooming, which can be expensive and/or time-consuming.

Because Bichons are so susceptible to skin problems and allergies, good grooming practices are very important. Like all dogs that require frequent grooming, Bichons should be accustomed to grooming from a young age and care should be taken to keep grooming pleasurable. Anyone considering a Bichon should carefully weigh the amount of time available for grooming, for the coat needs lots of attention.

But good grooming is required once shedding begins, as the undercoat needs to be removed once the weather begins to warm up or excessive shedding will leave piles of hair throughout the home. High on the playfulness range, along with friendliness toward strangers, watchdog ability, and grooming requirements-anyone who purchases the Bichon will be a powder-puff challenge, to say the least.

To keep the Bichons soft white curly coat well cared for takes daily grooming and as the coat is white and non shedding, it also needs regular bathing and trimming. There are two popular Bichon Frise grooming styles: a short, poodle-like coat or a long, puffy coat for a more rounded appearance. For anyone wanting to learn to do the grooming on their own dogs, be prepared to make many mistakes along the way.


With proper attention, the Bichon Frise will develop into a wonderful companion animal. Bichon Frise are a very sociable dog from the time that they are puppies on through adulthood. So instead of wasting hours of your time scouring the Internet for specific info about the Bichon Frise, it's all here in one place. You can find out all you need to know about the Bichon Frise. With thousands of Bichon Frise puppies for sale and hundreds of Bichon Frise dog breeders, you're sure to find the perfect Bichon Frise puppy.

For this and other pet related topics please visit The Shoppbox Ebook Reviews.

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married,father of two growing boys. Living in Ontario, Canada.

How to teach your dog its name

How to teach your dog its name

Teaching Your Dog His Name

Author: Lidya NW

Many dog owners tend to think of their dog's name as a "catch-all" command with multiple definitions that vary depending on what they want their dog to do at the moment: "Max!" (Meaning "Come here!"); "Max!" (Meaning "Stop that!"); "Max!" (Meaning "Get down!"); "Max!" (Meaning "Stop barking!"); "Max!" (Meaning "Don't eat that cat poop!). You get the ide

You should not use your dog's name any in another way than a baby's name. For example, if you name a child's name, he might acknowledge that he hears you (should you're lucky), but his doubtless response will be to name again, "What?" He in all probability will not even look up from the video game or no matter else he was doing once you referred to as his name. You will need to follow up with an instruction; tell him what you need: "Bobby! Stop enjoying that sport and do your homework!" (Then he may or might not do as you ask, relying on how well he's been trained.)

Read this lesson first, and then practice it with your dog:

First, load up your pocket (or a bag or pouch) with 20 or so treats.

  1. Take your dog to an area the place there received't be numerous distractions.
  2. Wait in your dog to look at something other than you, then say his identify (once!).
  3. When he seems at you, instantly give him a treat and say "Good!" (Or no matter you've chosen as the first reinforcer, phrase or clicker. We're going to simply use "Good!" in our coaching examples.)
  4. Now move a number of steps to another location and again wait for your Dog to be trying away from you.
  5. Say your dog's title again and immediately reward him again with the treat and reward when he seems at you.
  6. Repeat this course of 5 times. If your Dog was notably distracted earlier than responding to his title, give him additional praise and treats

In case you say his identify and he doesn't look at you, he could also be too distracted. Transfer him a number of paces to a special location and try again.
Say his name. Use an enthusiastic tone of voice. Give rapid rewards if he appears at you.
If he still doesn't respond to his identify, clap your hands, whistle or make some other attention-getting sound. When he seems to be, say his title again and instantly give the rewards. Do this as a last resort. You want him to learn to reply to his name, not the other sounds.

Keep trying, be patient, and remember not to repeat his name. Give immediate rewards when he responds. If you want to become a professional training for your dog I HIGHLY recommend a wonderful resource called Clicker Training check it out!

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Awesome dog names

Awesome dog names

Dog Names: Finding Unique, Cool, and Funny Dog and Puppy Names

Author: Richard Livitski

Congratulations! After searching long and hard at the shelters, thru the newspaper and even enlisting friends and family in your search, you've found the right dog! So what's next? Giving him/her a proper name of course!

So you think to yourself, just any ol name won't do. It's got to be unique, something different! Well, allow me to give you a few dog naming categories that will hopefully help you to come up with some really novel names for your four legged friend.

First though, when coming up with a name keep in mind a few things to watch out for.

1. Stay away from names that might be potentiallyembarrassing to both you AND your dog. The name "Stinky" might be cute at first, but once the joke gets old, think of how you'll feel a year from now when you have to call "Stinky" home at night. Embarrassing names could also apply to negative words that might rhyme with your dogs name.

2. There's been a tendency in recent years to give dogs human names. Though there's nothing wrong with this, be kind to your pooch and name him after someone you like. Also, if want to name him after someone you know, better check with that person first to see if it's alright. I'm not sure how much your human friend Max will like hearing, "Get off the couch Max!" or worse "We took Max to get fixed today."

3. If possible, keep the name to one or two syllables. Dogs not only learn it quicker, but it makes them easier to train as well.

On with the names!

In this article I've listed just 3 of the many dog name categories that might help you to think a bit outside the box when coming up with great puppy names. They are,

Unique Dog Names: Have you ever considered naming your dog after something that you eat or drink? I'm serious. Allow me to give you just a few examples that will hopefully get your creative juices flowing….

Bon Bon: I can see this as a good name for a small black dog.
Caviar: For a dog with expensive tastes. Maybe a good Poodle name?
Jalapeno: A good name for a dog with a sometimes fiery disposition.
Crouton: Another good name for a small breed. Maybe a Chihuahua?
Latte: Possibly a good name for a black dog.
Kahlua: I can see this name on a brown dog.

As strange as it sounds, many more food and drink related dog names can be as close as your refrigerator, pantry or liquor cabinet!

Cool Dog Names: The dictionary defines the word "cool" as something that's fashionable, or hip. To me, when it comes to dog names, a name that's "cool" is a name that one doesn't normally hear. One that is creative enough to be memorable. And that perhaps matches that particular dogs appearance or disposition.

Here's just a few names from my site that I put into the "cool" dog name category for starters...

Aspen, Azure, Capri, Charisma, Denali, Java, Mahala, Maui, Mignon, Nirvana, Pirouette, Rio, Sahara, Sierra, Taboo, Tiara

Funny Dog Names: By funny, I'm referring to cute dog names that will match it's physical appearance. Here's just a few ideas…

Espresso: For an energetic black dog.
Kisses: For a small affectionate pup.
Brutus: For a BIG dog.
Putt-Putt: For a dog with short legs.

Here's some additional ideas…

Big Dog Names: Barbarian, Big Foot, Butkus, Chewbacca, Genghis, Godzilla, Hummer, Terminator, T-Rex, Tsunami

Small Dog Names: Doodle, Gumball, Kewpie, Laptop, Nibbles, Widget

For additional funny ideas, think opposites! Peanut for a BIG dog, Moose for a small dog.

If you spent as much time as you did when finding the perfect dog, why not spend a little extra time in finding the perfect name? Your dog will thank you for it!

When Richard Livitski isn't busy running around after his own dogs, he's busy searching for more unique and cool dog names for his website where puppy names as well as other helpful dog related topics can be found.

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Names For Dogs: Choosing The Right Dog Name The First Time

Author: Richard Livitski

After searching long and hard, you've finally found the perfect dog. So what's next?... Finding the perfect names for dogs of course!

Considering that over the course of your puppies lifetime his name will be used over 30,000 times, and that 1 in 5 new dog owners want to change their dogs name in the first year, choosing the right puppy name should be given as much care and thought as you showed when finding your pooch in the first place.

Below I've listed 10 dog naming tips taken from my website to be mindful of when looking for the right name, they are...

1. Avoid names that sound like common commands such as Go, Stay, Sit, etc. This might cause confusion for your puppy when trying to train it.

2. Be mindful that your dog might outgrow it's name. The name Buttercup might be appropriate for a cute puppy, but not when it becomes a full grown Great Dane!

3. Choose a name with one or two syllables. Dogs not only learn it quicker, but it makes them easier to train as well.

4. Watch out for trendy names that might cause embarrassment once the trend is passed. Do you want people to realize from your dog's name that you were once a big fan of Disco?

5. If you've adopted an older dog, it's best to keep her current name so that it doesn't become confused. If for some reason you must change it, consider a name that sounds similar or rhymes.

6. Beware of the common trend to name dogs after people. Though doing so is not a bad thing in itself, if you name your pup after a friend or family member, they might take offense. Although you might think naming your dog Sally after your favorite Aunt is an honor, Aunt Sally might not. Also, be kind to your dog and name her after someone you like.

7. Does the dog name rhyme with something negative? Or maybe with the name of a family member or friend? Once discovered, you might be one of those 1 in 5 people who want to change their dogs name!

8. Stay away from potentially embarrassing names. The name "Pee Wee" might be funny at first, but as the joke gets old, how will you feel in a year or so when you have to call "Pee Wee" home at night?

9. Pick a name that matches your dogs own unique appearance or personality. The name Electra might be a good name for an energetic pooch, but not for one that like's to sleep all day.

10. Ask your dog what he thinks! Since it's going to be his name, you might want to narrow your search down to your own 5 favorite names, then try them out on your dog. You'd be surprised how well he responds to some, yet yawns at others.

Keeping in mind the above tips when searching for dog names will not only ensure a long, happy friendship with your dog, but also help to avoid a mid-life name change.

You see? Choosing the right names for dogs is not only easy, but your dog will love you for it!

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About the Author

When Richard Livitski isn't busy running around after his own dogs, he's busy searching for more unique, cool and funny dog names for where dog names as well as other helpful dog related topics can be found.

Wood Dog Kennels- Are they good for your dog

Wood dog kennels- Are they good for your dog

Advantages of Wooden Dog Kennels

Author: Malcolm Nguyen

Are you on the lookout for a great kennel for your dog? Are you trying to work out if you should buy a wooden dog kennels, plastic kennels or a kennel that is made from treated metal? If you are a first time buyer the chances are that you are feeling a bit confused, especially if you have been getting advice from different people who own the various types of kennel. So take a look at some of the advantages of wooden dog kennels and hopefully it should make your life a whole lot easier.

Good quality dog kennels that are made from wood come in at many different styles and sizes which means they are suitable for all dogs. Obviously you will need to pay close attention to the size of kennel that you buy to make sure that your own dog will be able to use it for a long time. Thankfully when you are buying this type of kennel there will be information relating to the side of the kennel telling you how big a dog should be to use that particular product.

One dog kennels also tend to be very easy to assemble and as most people will purchase their kennels in a flat pack you need to know that you can assemble it quickly. Once again you should find information relating to how many people are needed, usually just one or two, to build a kennel before you buy it.

You can then decide if the project is right for you or not. Dog kennels made from wood can also be treated easily using safe painting products so that they are water proof. The roof of the kennel should be covered in a suitable material that will be able to withstand the various elements. All weather protection like this is not expensive and you will find that as long as you check that your kennel does not leak, your dog will be very happy in it.

Depending on the type of wooden dog kennels you are interested in you can find additional extras that you can add on to the kennel. For example if you want your dog to get some exercise you can add a run to the kennel with the minimum of fuss. This is also a good idea if you have more than one dog and you want to make sure that they are comfortable and have enough room in the wooden dog kennels that you are interested in.

By adding dog beds to a wooden kennel you will be making it as warm as cosy as possible and your dog will love you for it. When you have wooden dog kennels that do not let in the wind, rain or sun your dog will want to spend time in there as it will feel very safe and secure. This should always be your aim when you are a dog owner, so make sure that you take your time when searching for a kennel to make the best choice.

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My dog supplies is an online dog supplies store. Check out why we are a fast growing online dog retailer. We specialize in wooden dog kennel and comfy dog beds. Take one dog kennel today from our vast variety of kennels and take advantage of our money back guarantee service.

Eczema for Dogs

Eczema for Dogs

Canine Hot Spots (Moist Dermatitis/Eczema)

Author: Matthew Homfray

Also known as Acute Moist Dermatitis or Moist Eczema, Hot Spots can seemingly appear spontaneously anywhere on a dogs body and the area involved can rapidly spread. This raw, unsightly skin disorder has a variety of causes but the most consistent factor is a bacterial infection. There are a number of kinds of bacteria that can be cultured from a hot spot and fortunately most respond to oral and topical antibiotics. Anything that irritates or breaks the skin can create the right environment for bacterial contamination if the skin surface is wet. The bodys response is either to itch or become inflamed. The itching then causes the dog to lick or chew the area, which further damages the skin, and creates a cycle of itching, scratching and chewing. If left to develop the infection goes into the deep layers of the skin.

Hot spots tend to occur most often in the summer months, and dogs with matted, dirty coats are at greater risk of developing them. Some owners keep their long haired dogs shaved in the summer, which helps prevent the thick coat from covering any dampness on the surface of the skin. Regular grooming enables swift intervention if a hot spot is developing; often they will simply get worse and worse until treated so veterinary help is advisable. A hot spot that is left untreated may turn into a lick granuloma, which can be difficult to get rid of.

Typical locations for "hot spots" are the side of the face and the flank areas. Golden retrievers and young dogs seem to be predisposed, while they are seldom, if ever, found in cats.

What to look out for – Scratching or biting at one area incessantly – A patch of hair loss with reddened moist skin, often with a film of pus – Scabs and crusts – Surrounding hair wet from saliva

Diagnosis is usually obvious from the clinical signs, but your veterinarian may be inclined to search for any contributing factors by doing allergy testing, or take a bacteriology swab so that antibiotic selection is targeted specifically at the bacterium responsible. If the hot spot is on the dogs back leg it is worth checking the anal glands are not the source of the discomfort by emptying them.

Treatment – Clip the hair around the hot spot. The hot spot may be more extensive than it originally appears. Clipping will expose the area to the air and accelerate healing (scabbing over) – Topical medication: the area can be cleaned with an antiseptic solution suchas chlorhexidine, and a topical antibiotic cream applied. There is little point of this if the dog will simply lick the cream off (i.e. use buster collar, or only use topical cream if hot spot on face) – Break the scratch cycle. To allow the hot spot to heal, the dog must stop scratching at it. A one off steroid injection is usually very effective, but sometimes a short course of oral steroids is necessary. Your dog may be more hungry and thirsty while receiving corticosteroids, this is a common side effect. As a consequence, the dog may need to urinate more frequently than normal. – Oral antibiotics. The best way to deal with a deep skin infection is to deliver antibiotics to the site of the hot spot via the blood stream. If a hot spot is quite advanced, at least a 10-14 day course of a broad spectrum antibiotic is required to prevent immediate recurrence. – Elimination of predisposing factors: aggressive flea control, investigation to rule out food and pollen allergies etc.

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About the Author

Dr Matthew Homfray is one of the experts at - Expert Answers for all your Pet Questions

Visit them today, you will be impressed by the quality of their pet experts and the speed with which your question is answered!

Dog Eczema - Everything There Is To Know About It

Author: Charles Perkins

It is only normal that you are troubled by the rashes that's plaguing your pet dog's skin. After all, dog eczema is no laughing matter as it causes hair loss in your dog and leaves him constantly pestered by the itchiness of these rashes. As a dog owner, it is only logical that you seek everything that there is to know about dog eczema. A complete understanding of this canine dilemma will be useful in quelling it.

Dog eczema is no different to the same eczema that affects us humans. The only difference is that it affects dogs and their skin. What happens with dog eczema is that the skin underneath their fur becomes irritated, causing these distinct rashes to appear on your dog's skin. Particularly, it is only your dog's epidermal skin layer that becomes irritated and inflamed.

Whether your dog has long or short hair, hair loss is among the first signs of dog eczema. Your dog won't be losing all of his hair but will lose it on skin areas that are affected by eczema. Following hair loss, you will immediately notice bald patches on your dog's skin. These bald patches are often accompanied by your dog's persistent licking, scratching, or nibbling on these same areas. If you notice your dog licking, scratching, or nibbling on these bald skin areas, then you can assume that your dog is irritated by them and that there is some form of underlying skin irritation.

When you look closely at your dog's bald skin spots, you will also notice that the skin looks different. It will be dry and flaky. Aside from the obvious itchiness of these spots, you can determine if they really are rashes by comparing the skin on these areas to the skin of your dog which still has fur on it. If the skin on the bald spots look thicker and dryer compared to skin on the rest of your dog, then it is possible that your pet has dog eczema.

Later on, dog eczema may progress to its wet stage when left untreated. The dog eczema symptoms which were earlier mentioned only belong to the dry stage of this canine condition. During the wet stage of this condition, your dog's bald skin spots will no longer appear dry. While the rashes may still be thick, you will notice that they are already oozing and possibly even bleeding. Basically, during this wet stage of dog eczema, your dog's rashes are already wounded. These wounds leave your dog more prone to infections since their skin is already broken.

As soon as you notice that your dog is losing hair or if you suspect that your dog is already suffering from the dry stage of dog eczema, calling the vet is your safest option. It is not advisable that you use steroid eczema creams or ointments that are prescribed for humans on dogs. There are specific eczema creams and ointments designed for use on dog eczema. With regards to natural eczema treatments, you can consult these with the veterinarian as to which products might help with your dog's condition.

The best way to control dog eczema is not with the use of any eczema treatment though. It is always better that you identify what irritated your dog's skin in the first place. This may require you to put your dog on a "trial and error" in order to identify what caused his dog eczema. However, the reward will be fruitful with the identification of these causes since you will be able to keep skin irritants away from your dog in the long run.

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About the Author

Charles Perkins is a skin care expert. For more information related to dog eczema, visit

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Games to play with your dog

Games to play with your dog

Playing games with your dog is a great way to bond. Here are a couple great games to play with your dog.

The Trading Game
To play the trading game, you trade items of various values with your dog. The trading game teaches your dog to give up items to you upon command.

To play the trading game, you first identify your dog's favorite items. Make sure you use a variety of items, such as food treats, balls stuffed toys, and squeaky toys. To encourage your dog to give up objects, you begin with his least favorite items and trade for ones that he enjoys more.

The lessons learned by playing the trading game can be helpful in everyday situations. For example, your dog may get a hold of a new item that has high reward potential, such as a piece of pizza. If your dog is comfortable with the trading game, you should have little trouble getting the pizza away from him.

Here are the steps to learn to play the trading game with your dog

* Make a list of your dog's 10 favorite items, in order from least to favorite. The items on this list should include a variety of items, such as toys, bones and food items.

* Obtain one of your dog's least favorite items from the list

* Give the item to your dog and allow him to play with the item for a few seconds.

* Place your hand on the item and say the command "Give".

* When your dog releases the item into your hand, praise your dog and give them one of their favorite items as a reward.

* When you start playing this game, trade a less favorite item for a more favorite item. After your dog becomes comfortable, you can start trading them on the list in different orders,

The front and Center dog game
When walking your dog, you can play the front and center game to practice their skills of walking on a loose leash, paying attention to their owner and coming when called. The front and center game is a safe and easy way to practice the come command when there are distractions around, since your dog is on a leash during the game.

To begin playing the front and center game with your dog. Take your dog for a walk on a loose leash at your side and then say the "Let's Go" command and begin walking forward quickly. You then say the "Come" command and jog backwards for at least five steps to have your dog practice coming to you. When your dog turns and runs towards you, you should praise them as a reward.

When playing front and center with your dog, make sure you jog backwards instead of turning around and running away from your dog. You should also make sure you do not pull your dog toward you with the leash. Your dog should turn and come to you on their own.

Here are the steps to play the front and center game while walking your dog

* With your dog on a loose leash at your left side, say the command "Let's Go" and then walk forward at a quick pace.

* Call your dog's name and say the command "Come"

* Jog backwards at least five steps away from your dog

* As your dog turns and runs toward you, encourage him to keep him moving toward you

* When your dog is right in front of you, praise him.

Hope you enjoyed. Check back to see more dog tricks, tips, games etc.

Here is the link back to the main page for much more valuable dog training tips and tricks. Enjoy

Sunday, April 1, 2012

10 Commandments of Owning a Dog

10 Canine Commandments

I just love this one so much and the image is very hard to read (because the writing is so small) I just love my dog so much and this one touches my heart so I am retyping the commandments (right from my dog's mouth :-)

1) My life is likely to be 10 to 15 years. Any separation from you will be painful to me. Remember that before you buy me.

2) Give me time to understand what you want from me.

3) Place your trust in me. it's crucial to my well being.

4) Don't be angry with me for long and don't lock me up as punishment. You have your work, your entertainment and your friends. I only have you.

5) Talk to me sometimes. Even if I don't understand your words. I understand your voice when it's speaking to me.

6) Be aware that however you treat me, I'll never forget it.

7) Remember before you hit me, I have teeth that could easily crush the bones of your hand but I choose not to bite you.

8) Before you scold me for being uncooperative, obstinate or lazy, ask yourself if something may be bothering me. Perhaps I'm not getting the right food, or I've been out in the sun too long or my heart is getting old and weak.

9) Take care of me when I get old. You too will grow old.

10) Go with me on difficult journeys, Never say "I can't bear to watch it" or "let it happen in my absence". Everything is easier for me if you are there.

Remember that I am your dog and I love you.

This is just one that I had to make sure that every dog owner could read :-)

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Symptoms of Urinary Tract Infections in Dogs

Symptoms of Urinary Tract Infection in Dogs

Author: AnneMing

If you are a dog lover or you own a dog, then you want to know all of the signs that your dog is not healthy. If your dog is not feeling good, then you want to know the signs and symptoms that your dog is experiencing so you can help your dog get healthy. UTI (urinary tract infection) is very painful for us humans and it is just the same for dogs. Uti infections in dogs come in many stages. Here are some of the warning signs that you can observe in your dog if your dog has UTI.

Since there are many different degrees of this disease, the warning signs vary due to the severity of the illness. If your dog has a mild case of UTI, then your dog might whimper or yelp due to the discomfort or pain. If your dog has a mild case of UTI, then this can be dealt with very easily as long as you catch it right away.

The Urinary tract infection in dogs can be classified into 2 categories. The first category is called an upper urinary tract infection and the other category is called a lower urinary tract infection. Even though these are both urinary tract infection, the symptoms of these infections are very different.

Some of the symptoms of an upper urinary tract infection in dogs is weight loss and vomiting. Another symptom is anorexia. If your dog is vomiting and you don’t know why you might want to take your dog to the vet. It might be a urinary tract infection or it could be something else but you do not want to take the chance because it could be something serious in your dog’s health.

Symptoms of a lower urinary tract infection can be found or observed while the dog is going its business. Discomfort in peeing and dancing around while trying to go to the bathroom is a very good sign that your dog has a lower urinary tract infection. If you notice this then you need to bring your dog into the vet to make sure it is just a urinary tract infection instead of something else that can be more harmful to your dog.

There are some symptoms that you can notice if your dog starts acting out of the ordinary and having troubles going to the bathroom. These symptoms can be very hard for your dog to deal with but if your dog has these indications, bring your pet into the vet to get them looked at to make sure there is nothing else wrong with your pet.

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About the Author

Want to learn more about UTI in dogs? On UrinaryTractInfectionInDogs.Com you can find articles about urinary tract infection in dogs, causes of urinary tract infection in dogs and symptoms of urinary tract infection in dogs.

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