Saturday, August 11, 2012

Living with a deaf dog

Living with a deaf dog

Living With Dogs That Are Hearing Impaired

Author: Kelly Marshall

We've all heard the stories about how keen our pets' hearing is. After all, they can hear a car in the driveway long before we usually do, pick up thunderstorms and other weather, and rush to the kitchen at the rustle of the food bag. However, just like us, not every dog has the best hearing. Some are born with impairments, while others become partially or fully deaf over the course of many years. All dogs with hearing loss, however, need special care.

If your dog has reduced hearing, it's important to catch it early. If your dog becomes less responsive to your voice, this might not be because he or she is becoming disobedient, but because you simply can't be heard! If you think this is going on with your pet, you need to ask your vet to test your dog's hearing. The earlier you find out what's going on, the more easily your pet's hearing loss can be accommodated and dealt with.

Many dogs will eventually lose their hearing completely, but that doesn't mean that you can't do anything to make their lives easier. Start using hand signals along with voice commands while your dog can still hear you. Use plenty of praise when these signals are obeyed. Eventually you can go to just the hand signal. Realize that your dog may be confused when this first happens, but with the right reinforcement, he or she will catch on quickly. Choose clear and obvious hand signals that your dog can see from a long distance.

Praise your dog as soon as he or she starts doing the desired response to your hand signal. You'll need to think about how you're administering praise, since verbal methods are the most common. You may need to change to physical forms of praise, or your dog may not know he or she is doing a good job! Remember to focus on just a few commands at one time, since too many can be confusing. Not even the smartest dog can learn a lifetime of new tricks right away.

These pieces of advice are best for gradual hearing loss. Sometimes, however, dogs will lose their hearing very quickly. That can make retraining very difficult. If a little residual hearing remains, pair a loud, clear voice signal with the right physical signal, but don't shout. Smell signals can be used, as well - particularly in dogs that are completely deaf. Use food to get your pet's interest, and then work in a short session - ten minutes or so - twice a day or more. Don't push things, and remember that hearing loss is often related to other health conditions. The goal is an enjoyable session for both of you. Frustration won't help either of you learn to communicate!

Remember that there are safety concerns with dogs that cannot hear, as well. Hearing impaired animals must never be allowed out without you, and should be on a leash at all times. They can't hear other animals, approaching cars, or other signs of danger, and if they aren't looking at you, they can't see you signaling. It's hard to get the attention of a dog that cannot hear you, so keep your hearing impaired dog on a leash at all times.

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About the Author

This article was written by Kelly Marshall of - the top online store for organic dog food and dog food storage containers.

How to enjoy living with a dog who has lost his hearing

Author: Ivan Ojounru

Owning a dog that can not hear can be both a rewarding and educating experience. Owning a dog that has good hearing and sight can often lead us into being a little lazy, when it comes to establishing effective patterns of communication between us and our pet. For the most part we struggle through with a few voice commands and maybe the occasional hand signal, that often change depending on the situation. Fortunately, in a lot of situations our dogs learn to navigate their way around our impromptu communication style and, begin to 'catch on' to what it is we want from them.

Owning a deaf dog however is a different story; many owners of deaf dogs testify to how much their lives have changed since their deaf dog come to live with them. Often, deaf dog owners talk in terms of how different and, in many cases how much better their relationship is in terms of both communication and depth
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Dogs experience deafness due to a number of reasons; many dogs are born deaf. This type of deafness is referred to as Congenital Deafness, it's cause is due to a defective gene. Other causes of deafness in dogs are usually the result of accidents, illness or old age.

If you are thinking of sharing your life with a deaf dog, then understanding, patience and, a willingness to adapt will put you in good stead. Amongst the most important things to consider are keeping your new pet safe, developing an appropriate means of communication, and making your home a comfortable and, secure place for your dog to live.

Dogs that are deaf are prone to being touch sensitive and, can also become startled much easier that dog who have no problems with their hearing, for example, if somebody approaches them from behind and touches them, or if roused from sleep. When owning a deaf dog you will need to keep this in mind and, adapt the ways in which you approach and, handle your dog. This is especially important for those with young children, as children can be boisterous at times and, a child running up and touching a dog that can not see him or her coming could cause the dog to become nervous or even try to bite.

To help your deaf dog adjust, try approaching him head on, stamping your feet as you approach your dog from behind can also be very helpful, as the vibrations will alert him. If you have children teach them to approach your dog calmly and to touch him gently.

If your deaf dog is over sensitive to your touch, try to help him by giving him a tasty food treat each time you pet him. With practice, your dog will begin to associate your 'unexpected' touch with a feeling of pleasure.

Two more important things to consider when making your home a safe and pleasurable place for your dog are, not to leave doors or gates open, so as your dog can escape and be left unattended, as this could be disastrous. If your new dog is going to be left alone for some time during the day, you may consider it wise to train him to spend time in a dog crate. However, do keep in mind due to your dog not being able to hear he may become restless, or even frightened at being left alone in his crate. Deaf dogs can also be particularly prone to separation anxiety, so do make sure your dog has plenty to occupy himself with during the time he spends alone.

The biggest dangers posed to your deaf dog will be when you are out and about, especially if you live in a town or city, where there is a lot of traffic. Keep your dog on his leash, at least until you are in a place where it is safe to manage him off leash. However, it is important to do this only when your dog is performing a consistent recall.

Working on building a way of communication that both you and your dog are familiar with is vitally important to sharing your life with a deaf dog. As your dog will not be able to hear you, only hand signals will do. In fact dogs are well ahead of us in terms of being able to read body language. You can use a series of 'official' hand signals taken from sign language designed for humans, for example, British or American sign language, or use signs from these languages that have been adapted especially for using with dogs, or alternatively you can design your own signs. smiling and speaking your commands, although the dog will not hear you, will also help to reinforce your new hand signals, however, the key is keep your hand signals consistent and simple, so as not to cause your dog to become confused.

When it comes down to it owning a deaf dog is not dissimilar to owning a dog that can hear. All is needed is a little extra patience, understanding, love and, a little work on your part and, you will come to develop a relationship with your dog that is difficult to compare.

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About the Author

I have had a keen interest in canine behaviour and training since the late 1980's. I have studied successfully for several qualifications relating to canine psychology and, animal care and behaviour, up to degree level. For free information visit

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