Causes and Treatments to Pomeranian Hairloss
Author: Louis LiemMost royalties of eras past owned at least one of this breed of dogs. Queen Victoria is one of them. Who would not be? A Pomeranian is an adorable toy dog that is strong and friendly. It is well-known for its tiny size and long thick coat. People adore its cuteness and soft lush locks. That is why an owner has to take care of it well, especially its furry coat.
Hair loss is a common problem an owner might encounter when taking care of a Pomeranian. When this occurs, it is important to know the causes and treatments to easily bring the dog back to its adorable and healthy shape.
Pomeranian hair loss is usually caused by growth, allergies, pests and hormonal imbalances. A 5-month to 10-month old puppy normally sheds its hair to grow its adult coat. Pregnant ones also lose hair due to hormonal imbalance. Weeks after giving birth, the coat will be back to normal.
Alopecia X or Black Skin Disease where the dog loses lots of hair from its back with some dark patches, and Adrenal Sex Hormone Responsive Dermatosis where the dog loses hair on the neck, tail and hind legs are some causes of Pomeranian hair loss due to hormonal imbalance. Both need a serious Pomeranian hair loss treatment that is available in an animal clinic. Some of these treatments are:
Spaying or neutering involves removing the dog's reproductive organs through surgery to restore hormonal balance and allow faster hair regrowth.
Oral or implanted melatonin involves administering melatonin supplements to balance the dog's daily and seasonal rhythms and to trick the body to produce more compounds involved in hair growth. Veterinarians and owners should be careful as too much doses may worsen the condition. They may stop this treatment once the dog starts to regrow its hair.
An owner may perform simpler Pomeranian hair loss treatment for less severe cases. He may just eliminate the dog allergens such as wheat and corn in the diet and change the dog shampoo to a gentler and hypoallergenic one. He may consult the veterinarian for a shampoo against the pests and apply a small amount of Benadryl to help stop the dog from scratching resulting in hair loss.
Once the treatment is over, owners should maintain the beauty of their Pomeranian dogs. They should keep washing and brushing the coat regularly. They should also always watch the dog's overall health to make sure it is in good shape inside and out.
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About the AuthorReliable information about your beloved dog can be hard to find. Find useful tips and information about pomeranian hair loss on
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Grooming Your Pomeranian, Controlling Shedding
Author: Lea MullinsThe Pomeranian is a pint-sized adorable dog with a thick, puffy coat that makes them look like teddy bears in dog bodies. While they are not the most difficult dog breed to groom, there is some work that must be done in order to keep their coat in good condition.
When starting to groom, you want to have the proper tools. A good quality metal comb is a must for getting through the coat. A pin brush is also an essential tool. Many people prefer alternate brushes like slicker brushes, but I find a pin brush to be gentler on both the dog's skin and its coat. It also does a better job of working through layers of coat and not just the top layer. A leave-in conditioner or detangler is something that will assist you with the brushing process by making the coat easier to comb, and it will help loosen up any tangles. Always use a dog formula conditioner as the PH is different versus human products and is made specifically for dogs.
It is best to condition your dog to being groomed from day one and make it a positive experience. Brush gently, talk softly, and periodically offer treats to young puppies to make the experience enjoyable. It is imperative that your Pomeranian be comfortable with being brushed. You don't want your Pomeranian's coat to tangle or mat. These are painful clumps of hair that will put pressure on the underlying skin, and once the hair is severely matted, it often must be cut out with scissors. Repeated matting creates a Pomeranian that doesn't want to be brushed or groomed because it hurts! This means start teaching your dog about grooming early on and make sure to brush your Pomeranian at least weekly with a fully body brushing.
To properly brush your Pomeranian:
• Start the process with evenly spraying a leave-in coat conditioner across the coat. Rub the conditioner throughout the coat.
• You will want to part the dog's hair so that you can see the skin. Take your comb and brush from the skin outwards to the end of the hair. This way you brush through the whole coat, remove any dead coat, and help identify any tangles quickly. Move your way through the dog's coat by spreading the hair and brushing from skin layer outwards until the whole coat is complete.
• Take your pin brush and brush through the coat to even out the body hair and remove any remaining dead hair.
Weekly brushings help to reduce the amount of shedding a Pomeranian does by catching all the dead hairs. A high-quality diet is also essential. A dog's coat is fed by the diet, and a poor quality food helps the coat dry out and lose more hair. You can also add a supplement of fatty acids to your dog's diet through the use of Omega 3s. Ask your veterinarian about the best one and the proper amount for your Pomeranian.
In addition to coat care, there are other areas of dog grooming that must be completed:
1. Dental care: Pomeranians have terrible teeth and dental issues if the teeth aren't taken care of. This means that ideally you should brush your dog's teeth each day with dog toothpaste and toothbrush. It must be done at least weekly. There are also dental gels that can be applied (some purchased at your vets) that don't require brushing, and dental chew toys are useful for removing plaque in between brushings.
2. Toenails: A dog's foot will become damaged if the toenails are allowed to grow too long. Ideally, your Pomeranian's nails should be cut weekly to maintain the best foot health, but you must cut your dog's nails at least once every two weeks.
3. Optional trimming: While a Pomeranian doesn't need trimmed when grooming, there are two areas that might be desirable. The bottom of the foot has hair that grows in between the pads. This hair can tangle and trap in dirt and wetness. The hair can be trimmed to be level with the pads instead of allowing it to grow. Hair around your Pomeranian's bottom might also require trimming if you find that your dog has built up residue after going the bathroom.
4. Ear cleaning: Routinely look in your dog's ears and make sure there is no built-up wax, odors, or redness. Cleaning ears with a dog ear cleaner once a month is normally sufficient. Never put your fingers or Q-tips into the dog's ear canal. Only wipe out the part of the ear you can see with a cotton ball or pad.
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About the AuthorLea Mullins, shares some tips on grooming needs of a Pomeranian. Learn more about dog grooming from
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