Skin Problems in Dogs
Author: Vinu NairSkin Problems in Dogs explored..
Similar to human beings, dogs can also suffer from skin problems. To treat any type of skin disorder your dog is suffering from, you have to find out what is causing it. This article will discuss the most common types of skin disorders dogs suffer.
First of all, ticks and fleas are very common problems for dogs and other animals. These parasites using stay on the surface of the dogs' skin and feed off its blood. Skin irritation is mainly caused by the saliva from the parasites' transferred during feeding. The saliva causes intense itchiness and will cause your dog to scratch intensely.
Another type of skin problems in dogs is mange or scabies.
Mange is a condition where mites burrow under your dog's skin. This condition is quite intense because it will cause your dog to suffer agonizing itching. The itching can be so intense that inflamed red skin or even bald spots can often be seen on the dog. But depending on the type of parasite involved it can only be demodectic mange or sarcoptic mange. At times the scabies would also lay their eggs in the tunnels that they have burrowed underneath the skin. If your dog is suffering this, you should also be careful because you may also be infected with this condition. But it is easier to treat for humans compared to dogs since there are various types of over the counter medications to treat this condition.
A simple and effective method to eradicate mites investing your dog is to soak your dog in a lime and sulfur mixture. Do this about 3 times a week for around 15 minutes. It is important to rinse of this mixture but leave it to dry on the dog's fur and skin. It is important to observe your dog carefully during this time to prevent your dog from liking the mixture dry. Traces of the mixture should stay on the fur and skin as long as possible to avoid infestation.
Other issues causing skin problems in dogs..
Just in case you cannot find any type of insects or parasites on your dog's skin or fur, it is important to consult with a vet if your dog is itching. There can be a possibility that your dog has an allergy or is suffering from dry skin or fur. It is important to see a vet as soon as you notice your dog is scratching more than normal and is in intense pain.
My personal experience with skin problems in dogs..
I had a Boxer dog a few years ago with skin problems, he was shedding from the neck area and the skin was turning red. I have taken him to the vet numerous times and they could not find the problem. They gave me all sorts of creams and antibiotics for my dog that never worked or worked temporarily. The skin issue never cleared up and came back even worse. After months of researching on the internet for a cure, what worked for me was to change his food to something with no gluten. I concluded that gluten in foods are the cause of many of the skin problems in dogs. You should always feed your dog gluten free foods such as Blue Buffalo. It will take a month for the skin issues to clear up and always be sure to switch your dogs food gradually.
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About the is dedicated to the discussion of pitbull mixed dogs and puppies. You can find a wealth of information on pitbull mixed dogs such as the labrabull and pitador and pictures of many of them here. These pitbull mixed breeds make wonderful pets but they are yet to be recognized.
Help skin problems in dogs by feeding your dog natural dog food. See natural dog food recipes here
A Guide To Common Dog Skin Problems
Author: jennifergretsonDogs which scratch more than usual likely have a skin disease. Fortunately, the majority of dog skin problems are easily cured after a quick trip to the vet.
A persistently itchy rash is likely allergic dermatitis. The symptoms can be partially relieved by corticosteroids, but the only way to remove symptoms completely is to identify and remove the allergen. Dogs are occasionally allergic to pollen, food, insect bites, and grooming products.
Scratching that is concentrated on the toes and/or ears is likely a yeast infection. Symptoms are itchy, discolored, or irritated shin on the ears and paws, where conditions are best for the yeast to grow. The most common treatment is a prescription topical cream. Occasionally a medicated bath or oral drug may be prescribed.
Superficial bacterial folliculitis is symptomized as bumps, sores, and scabs. It is easier to see in shorthaired breeds. Longhaired breeds may present with scaly skin and increased shedding. Superficial bacterial folliculitis commonly occurs simultaneously with other skin problems.
Impetigo is a kind of bacterial infection most common in puppies. The pus filled blisters it causes often break and crust over. It is easy to identify as the blisters usually form on the hairless portion of the abdomen. Impetigo can usually be treated with a topical solution.
Dogs with greasy skin and scales have seborrhea. Seborrhea is often a sign of another problem such as hormonal abnormalities or allergies, but it can sometimes be a lifelong genetic disease. If the underlying cause is treated symptoms will abate.
Ringworm is a fungus, not a worm, that causes circular lesions on the dog's head, paws, ears, or forelegs. Anti-fungal treatments are available and very effective.
Alopecia, or excessive shedding and hair loss, is always a sign of an underlying problem in dogs. Some shedding is natural, but when your dog's hair begins to thin it is a result of stress, nutritional deficiency, or another underlying disease.
Mange is a striking condition, causing intense itching, sores, hair loss, and red skin. The kind of mange determines the treatment.
Fleas are the most common skin problem among dogs. The average infestation will just cause itching, but severe infestations can cause anemia and blood loss. Fleas also carry other parasites, most commonly tapeworms. Dogs which are allergic to fleas will also develop allergic dermatitis and/or alopecia simultaneously.
The next most common parasite is the tick. The main risk from ticks is the transmittance of Lyme disease, as significant blood loss would require many ticks. Lyme disease is a potentially serious bacterial infection and there are vaccines available.
Acral lick granuloma is a skin condition caused by excessive and obsessive licking of one spot. The area is unable to heal and becomes painful, causing the dog to lick more. Acral lick granuloma is treated by either a foul tasting topical solution or a collar to discourage licking.
Hot spots are a common with dog skin problems. They are small areas of irritated, inflamed, and red skin. Treatment includes addressing the underlying cause.
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About the AuthorJennifer is a family dog health specialist specializing in dog hot spots.
All natural dog food will help with skin problems in dogs, View more about natural dog food here
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