Monday, July 9, 2012

conjunctivitis in dogs

conjunctivitis in dogs

Eye problems in dogs can be very frightening, but the eye often heals vigorously under homeopathic guidance and stimulus, sometimes aided by herbal treatment

View more here on treating conjunctivitis in dogs naturally

Yes, Dogs Get Pink Eye Too - Get the Facts on Conjunctivitis in Dogs

Yes, Dogs Get Pink Eye Too - Get the Facts on Conjunctivitis in Dogs

By Emmy E Bill

Conjunctivitis in dogs, otherwise known as red eye or pink eye, is an inflammation of the conjunctiva membrane that covers the back of the eyelids and the surface of the eyeball, up to the cornea. When it comes to eye problems, conjunctivitis is one of the most common in dogs. If your dog has it, you will most likely notice that the eye has a red pigment with a discharge. It is usually not painful, so if your dog seems to be in pain, it may be from another problem.

Common signs of conjunctivitis:

� Red eyes

� Mucous or watery discharge

� Thick yellowish-green discharge

� Swollen eyes

� Pawing and/or rubbing eyes

Types of conjunctivitis:

Serous conjunctivitis: Dogs infected by serous conjunctivitis will have swollen, pink membranes with a clear and watery discharge. This type is caused by physical irritants such as wind, cold, dust and other allergens. If the conjunctivitis is due to allergies, it is often accompanied by itching.

Purulent conjunctivitis: Serous conjunctivitis can become infected leading to purulent conjunctivitis. This is caused by Streptococcus and Staphylococcus bacteria. Instead of the discharge being clear and watery, it will contain mucus and pus and cause crusting of the eyelids.

Follicular conjunctivitis: In follicular conjunctivitis, the small mucous glands react to an irritant by forming a rough surface that will irritate the eye and produce a mucous discharge.

Causes of conjunctivitis:

The underlying issues that are causing conjunctivitis in your dog should be determined. Allergies are a major cause and can be treated with the help of a veterinarian. Bacteria commonly cause the condition as well, so try to keep your dog away from situations that may cause them to be exposed to it. Also, puppies who are not vaccinated against distemper virus are likely to get conjunctivitis as well.

Conditions similar to conjunctivitis:

There are several eye conditions that have similar symptoms to conjunctivitis such as keratitis, uveitis or glaucoma. If treatment for these conditions is delayed, they can cause blindness. That is why it's important to have your dog examined by a veterinarian if you suspect he/she may have an eye infection.

Treating conjunctivitis:

There are a few options for treating conjunctivitis. The veterinarian may recommend eye drops or ointments; and treatment may vary depending on the underlying cause. If an allergy is the cause, then there are several medications available containing anti-inflammatories that will help your dog's body manage. Sometimes, oral antibiotics are administered as well as anti-bacterial or fungicidal ointments.

Keep in mind that if you delay diagnosis and treatment for eye infections you may compromise your dog's health. He/she could have an underlying condition that could cause them to go blind, an allergy that could progress, or an infection that could get worse. Also, when treating your dog for conjunctivitis, be patient, it may take one to two weeks for them to fully recover.

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Article Source:,-Dogs-Get-Pink-Eye-Too---Get-the-Facts-on-Conjunctivitis-in-Dogs&id=6741733

Read more about healing dogs with natural methods here

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